STP Mentoring Program
One thing that has become abundantly clear since we started the show is how important it is to feel a connection to community.. As trans and nonbinary persons, we share a bond unlike any other. We want to introduce you to each other, to friends new and old, to share our humanity. Guests and listeners alike have expressed a desire for intergenerational contact and support.. Consider becoming a member of the mentoring program today. Thank you to our volunteers (you know who you are) who have helped get this program off the ground. Your input, good will and energy are invaluable.
I want to be a mentor
Mentorship is the patronage, influence, guidance, or direction given by a mentor. A mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person.
I want to be mentored
I am interested in connecting with a transmasc mentor who can provide support and guidance as I explore my own gender identity, my decisions about transitioning, life post transition, and more.
I want to be a mentor AND a mentee
I could benefit from being mentored and from mentoring someone!